I'm a classically educated professional ballet dancer, formerly danced with Ballet Philippines for 2 years, then The National Ballet of Canada from 1991 and retired as a soloist in 2008. My curiosity about anatomy and body mechanics supports my passion for movement and helping people move with ease and efficiency. I am aware of the importance of how the exercises are performed, the quality of movement and the joy mobility brings.
I’m delighted to share my passion of movement to facilitate a meaningful change to enhance mobility, functional alignment, posture, strength and overall body balance. I am constantly learning new approaches and skills to help my clients and patients move better.
Though I'm a Registered Massage Therapist I prefer to call myself a Manual Therapist and Movement Practitioner. I utilize an on and off the table approach using Movement and Manual therapy to help your body move with ease and efficiency.
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Please visit my website here for a more detailed description of my treatment offerings.
Is an investigative joint-centric approach to movement. We find out the movements your body can and cannot access, regardless of your symptom. We use Corrective Movements, soft tissue manual therapy and joint mobilization to re-educate the body in its movements, and allow the body to reorganize itself and take the pressure off the system that is causing pain. The customized movement solution given for you to do at home will continue the changes made in the session.
An Initial AiM Assessment consists of observing how you stand and hold your posture, active movements checking how the major joints of your body moves, the 33 joints of each foot, and gait analysis. We will discuss your goals and create a plan for treatment. Please note that the Initial Assessment appointment doesn't include a treatment.
Is an outcome-based massage session tailored to your movement goals, injury prevention, and enhanced performance. This is a remedial massage treatment, NOT a relaxation massage. We will address one or two areas that are related to your main concern. I treat on and off the table without using sheets to cover you, so you'll be wearing athletic clothes (shorts and tank top or sports bra.) You will be given a home exercise program to continue the changes made in the session.
An Initial Assessment and Intake is needed to gather more information about your main concern and determine an effective treatment plan. It consists of discussing your best hopes for the treatment, observing how you stand and hold your posture, checking how the structure of concern moves actively, passively and testing the strength. We will talk over the benefits, risks and side effects, areas to be treated, and create an ongoing plan for treatment. The Initial Assessment will include a short treatment that could last between 15-25 minutes.
A scar is a normal and an inevitable physiological reaction in the natural healing process of wounds or traumas. A scar is always an imperfect replacement of the healthy skin before injury where its resistance to strengthening is diminished and it causes deformity and dysfunction of the damaged tissue among other effects.
I'm a certified practitioner in a specific scar tissue release work (MSTR®) where I work to free the restrictions of your scars and scar tissues that could affect movement limitations. The treatment of scar tissue is a vital element in the treatment of musculoskeletal and myofascial pain. Untreated scar tissue may inhibit other treatment applications from successful and longer lasting outcomes.
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Articulate Bodies